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Contrary to Popular Opinion, the Sky is Not Falling…At Least, Not for Everyone

We can expect something on the order of $2.58 trillion dollars in overall mortgage origination in 2022, according to the most recent MBA forecast.

That would exceed the $2.25 trillion we saw overall in 2019, which was, by most accounts a very good year. It’s right in line with some of the great, pre-recession years the industry saw in 2004 ($2.7 trillion); and 2006 ($2.73 trillion). It compares very well to 2018 ($1.7 trillion), which was the last time we saw a drop off in refinance volume.

All things considered, especially knowing that the MBA’s latest forecast was reduced from its original forecast, a $2.6 trillion forecast, should it come to fruition, should have folks excited for the opportunity.

And yet, the headlines and conversations we’re seeing and hearing around the industry are far less positive. They have some reason to be—yes, we’re coming off of a $4.4 trillion year in 2021. This is an industry that bulks up its operations in high volume periods, so even if the expected decline takes us back to a historically positive overall volume, it’s still a decline, which means cost-cutting. Yes, this year will be a predominantly purchase market, which means more cost and labor per origination.

But it’s still a $2.6 trillion projection.

If anything, now will be the time when the well-prepared demonstrate their differentiators. Almost anyone can make money when the fish are jumping past the nets and straight into the boats. Now, however, lenders and REALTORS will be competing for purchase clients. They’ll have to prove their value to consumers to earn repeat or referral business…much less win new business. And while a lot of that will be based on the rate a lender can guarantee or the ability to negotiate the winning bid for agents, they’ll also be counting on their partners to make the process a smooth one for their customers.

And the title agencies that step up will have their stuff together. That means faster closings, because they’ve already automated their workflows and centralized their operations to eliminate redundancies, manual efforts and all-around wasted time. That means instantly responsive service. Not “a call back within 24 hours,” but instant, by way of technology for things like “when’s my closing?”

That means tight relationships with the other vendors and parties in the transaction, so that the inevitable wrinkle or two is ironed out long before it becomes a choke point in the march to closing.

And that means knowledge and expertise, nationally and locally, just in case this file is the one where the rare and unusual complication does pop up.

We’re just entering what could be a make-or-break market in 2022. For some, that $2.6 trillion will present opportunity and result in success. For others…well, they’ll really be cursing the purchase market. Odds are the brokerages, agents and lenders falling into the former category will be the same ones who’ve already prepared for what’s coming. And that will include relying on their very best service providers, rather than the also-rans.

Now, More Than Ever, It’s About Giving Back

Giving back to our community has always been part of the FAN mission. In recent years, the community need has only increased. FAN believes we all should pitch in whenever we can—successful businesses have an obligation to keep their communities strong.  It’s also why we wholeheartedly support the ALTA Good Deeds program.

One of our many favorite ways to contribute to our Florida communities is through Habitat for Humanity. Recently, a number of FAN employees turned out, as we do regularly, to volunteer for another Habitat for Humanity project.

We made a short video to show you that it’s not only important to give back regularly, but, it’s fun, too!


4 Free Canva Templates to Use in Your Real Estate Business

As a real estate agent, your brand is your business, and having a marketing team is vital when creating content that correlates with your brand. But what do you do when you don’t have a marketing team?

Not every real estate agent has a full marketing team to help with their branding and marketing materials, so here are four free Canva templates to help you build and create content for your audience.

Social Posts

Canva offers templates for multiple social channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. You can even create Facebook or Instagram Stories. Want to make creative Reels for your Instagram account? Canva has a template for that, too – and it’s FREE.

You’ll never have to worry about whether your content will display correctly on any social platform. Canva takes care of the dimensions so that all you do is click and customize your post with beautiful graphics, pictures, and text. Users can also choose between animated or static images when creating content.

Video Edits

Video posts on social media get 48% more views than posts without video included. However, it can be intimidating to figure out how to shoot and edit videos. With Canva, you can easily upload a video shot from your phone and make edits using any of Canva’s video templates. You can customize your video to any social platform and any size dimension. The best part is you don’t need graphic design skills. Anyone can create an aesthetically pleasing video for a social media feed. Canva has graphics, shapes, and text that you can plugin to create the perfect video for you and your brand.

Marketing Materials

Canva has every real estate agent covered with marketing material. They have free templates for brochures, business cards, and flyers, as well as digital assets like email banners and social media ad templates. There’s even an option to print your designs out. Canva takes the hassle out of making sure your flyers and other marketing assets are the proper size for printing, emailing, or posting.


Gone are the days of boring PowerPoint presentations. With Canva, you can create sleek and colorful presentations to showcase your business. Canva’s presentation templates are customizable with graphics, pictures, and video to fit your needs.

As an entrepreneur, you wear multiple hats most days. That includes taking on the role of Marketing Director. We know how important it is having resources and tools in your back pocket. That’s why we offer our own free resources and Apps for real estate agents. For more information, view our available resources now.

A Changing Market Doesn’t Mean It’s Time to Panic

A Changing Market Doesn’t Mean It’s Time to Panic

“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.”

In some ways, Charles Dickens opening salvo to his book A Tale of Two Cities feels just about right for 2022.

Fresh off two straight years of historic origination volume and waves of title profits, most title businesses knew that the refinance train was likely to slow this year. However, the promise of a strong purchase market meant (and still means) there would be plenty of opportunities for those prepared.

As we approach the end of the second quarter, we’ve had some unexpected economic variables enter the equation. But that doesn’t mean that it’s time to hunker down for title agents. Far from it. Instead, it’s time for the best to separate from the pack. That means leadership and planning.

Do Your Research

When you created your business plan for 2022, you probably researched what the economists were projecting for the year and plugged into the outlook for your specific geographic area.

Update your research at least once a quarter, taking into account updated economic factors, interest rate projections, and – with an ear to the ground – what your customers are telling you is happening on the front lines.

Follow the Numbers

An experienced executive of one of the top title insurance underwriters once pointed out in his presentation at an industry conference that it does you no good to track statistics if you don’t make decisions based on them.

Numbers don’t lie and business plans must be adjusted to account for fluctuations in the marketplace. This could mean having a defined strategy to add staff if the market gets hot or having a plan for getting all tasks accomplished if you are working with a lean staff.

The Backup Plan

Don’t wait for the crisis to hit. Always have a backup plan on paper. This is why you don’t want to “cross that bridge when you come to it.” Most of us have an immediate emotional reaction to a shift in circumstances. It’s difficult to make calm, thoughtful decisions when we are reeling from an unplanned event.

It is much easier to make decisions quickly if you have thought through potential scenarios to begin with. If A happens, I will immediately put plan B into action. If the projected numbers are X for Q2, I will immediately shift to plan C.

Communicate with your Staff

Be honest and upfront with your staff about what is happening, explain why you are heading in a new direction, and share the data upon which you are making those decisions.

Your staff knows what is happening in the marketplace. They know when they are buried under a mountain of work and desperately need help and they know when things are slowing down. Acknowledging the truth of the situation and enlisting their help and support builds trust and loyalty over time.

Customers First

No matter what challenges you are facing, always keep your customers’ experience at the forefront of any plan.  Although you may be scrambling behind the scenes, you always want to make sure your customers experience a calm, orderly and seamless process. Centralized processes, effective technology—both at the point of consumer contact as well as behind the scenes—and professional customer service will never hurt any title agency. In fact, they become critical competitive advantages in markets like this. Just because 2022 isn’t likely to look like 2021 on paper doesn’t mean there aren’t opportunities for success. It just means you’ll have to seize your opportunities.

Tips for Closing on Your Home During a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Did you know, as a named tropical storm or hurricane approaches, most insurance companies will suspend writing homeowner policies until the storm has passed? And often, the suspension will last a few days after the tropical storm or hurricane hits.

Even if the tropical storm or hurricane isn’t moving directly to the area of your new home, insurers usually suspend issuing homeowner’s policies for that area. Since there are no regulations governing suspension timeframes, your insurer can choose to hold off on issuing a policy right in the middle of the closing process. This means you won’t be able to show proof of insurance to your lender, and your closing gets delayed.

Here are a few tips to help save your closing during hurricane season:

  • Consider binding your homeowners insurance prior to your closing date.
  • Thoroughly review your coverage and have a good understanding of what is and ISN’T covered. This brings us to the next point.
  • Be sure you’ve purchased flood insurance to go along with your homeowner’s insurance. If you need or plan to purchase flood insurance, be sure to do so at your closing. You’ll find yourself in a 30-day waiting period if you don’t.
  • Be sure to check for coverage of any screened enclosures ahead of time.
  • Review your deductibles and make sure you are prepared for the out-of-pocket expense if a claim should occur.

The closing process can be stressful on its own, let alone adding the uncertainty of a tropical storm or hurricane. Don’t be afraid to discuss your closing options with your closing agent. We will work with you and have options to help close on your home, even if you have to evacuate.

How to Come Out on Top in 2022

Origination Predictions Got You Down? Here’s a Way to Come Out on Top in 2022.

Origination Predictions Got You Down? Here’s a Way to Come Out on Top in 2022.Facing a decline in refinance mortgages after two incredible boom years may be making some lenders a little uneasy. Yes, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is also calling for perhaps a record purchase mortgage volume, but it won’t offset the decline in refinancing. It will also be competitive.

But for savvy lenders who can pivot and actively serve the borrowers who are out there, there is still plenty of opportunity. Let’s look at the numbers, and the opportunities that can be tapped for a strong origination year for your company. For those willing to invest in marketing, get creative with their product mix and increase efficiencies, 2022 could still be a very successful year.

Home Mortgage

The MBA reported a whopping $4.1 trillion in 2021 originations and has predicted a decline to $2.61 trillion for 2022. While this is a considerable drop in overall originations, thanks to plunging refinance originations, the anticipated $1.74 trillion in home purchase originations in 2022 represents yet another record.

Lenders actively and effectively marketing to their current mortgage holders who may be contemplating moving up to a new home or creating an active outreach to new homebuyers could do very well in this robust purchase market.

Home Refinance

“Therein lies the rub,” with credit to Shakespeare. Refinance activity is expected to drop by over 62% to $870 billion.

This is where a lender needs to get creative. Yes, there’s a smaller pool, but making sure you are getting a share of that pool is critical this year.

Across the country, in every city, the tide of regentrification is pouring money into old neighborhoods. And “what the Joneses got, I want,” is inspiring homeowners to invest in their own home to make it worth the same as other properties in their area. This is a niche market well worth mining for new refinance opportunities.

Home Equity Line of Credit

Black Knight is reporting that homeowners have more than $9 trillion of untapped equity in their homes, above and beyond the protected 20% equity. In 2021 Q4, lenders were already seeing an uptick in HELOC borrowing.

The aim of that borrowing, usually, is to pour money back into the home, as noted above in the case of regentrification. As interest rates rise, homeowners are far more likely to finance a smaller loan through a HELOC, than to sacrifice a 3% interest rate by refinancing their entire mortgage at 4.5%.

However, lenders should be wary of borrowers who are tapping equity for credit card consolidation, vacations, cars, and speculative real estate investments. Make sure you are assessing your borrowers’ motivation appropriately.

Commercial Lending

And finally, make sure you are tapping into the commercial lending market, especially multi-family opportunities. While WFH may have set some segments of the commercial lending market back, multi-family has carried the day as home prices have continued to soar. National Mortgage News is reporting that the commercial lending is expected to top $1 trillion in 2022. So this might be a great year to strengthen your commercial lending department.

Hire Efficient Service Providers

Let’s state the obvious. When borrowers are tripping over each other to get in your door, you pay a little less attention to ensuring your processes are at peak productivity or that your service providers are giving you the most efficient and cost-effective service for your clients.

In a purchase market, it’s important to make sure you are using providers, like title agents who are members of the Florida Agency Network, who have access to a host of shared services, closing options and technology resources ensuring the most efficient title and closing services for your clients. Remember, your title and settlement partners are among the last to interact with your borrowers at the end of the transaction. A quality closing and smooth process don’t just help the margins. They can also pave the way for that refinancing or home equity loan down the road!

Start Your Text Message Automation with These Text Scripts


Utilizing text messaging in your real estate business can help you attract new customers and maintain a happy customer base. Here are tools to take your text messages from a form of communication to a marketing tool.

Texting Automation to Utilize in Your Business

Text messages have a 98% open rate, making them a better option for communicating simple & direct messages to your customers. With automation, you have a “set it and forget it” system to assist your sales process.

Here are some text message automation ideas to get started.

  1. Sending Custom, Personal Messages

Contacting past and potential clients is crucial in real estate. With text message automation, you can set up flows and triggers to send personal messages such as birthday wishes, congratulations on closing, or a follow-up after your client’s closing date.

  1. Contacting Potential Leads 

When potential clients visit your website, set up a text message automation to get a conversation started. If leads are filling out website forms, you can automate a welcome text or a message asking for more details.

  1. Appointment, Class, Open House, & Important Date Reminders

Want to make sure your buyers are filing for homestead on time? Want to let your buyers know there’s an open house happening tomorrow? Set up automation to send out valuable information based on times and dates.

  1. Gathering Online Reviews

Setting up text message automation can help grow your online reputation without much leg work on your end. Set a trigger to send a link to review your services a few days after a client’s closing.

Tools for Starting Your Texting Automation 

Here are five text message automation software to get started.

  1. EZTexting
  2. SimpleTexting
  3. SlickText
  4. Textedly
  5. Twilio

Scripts to Use in Your Real Estate Text Marketing 

Here are some texting scripts examples for real estate agents:

  1. “I have 8 amazing listings that won’t break the bank! They range from $_____-$______. We can get you in to see them immediately. Would you like more details on any of these homes?”
  2. “[Insert name] thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to connecting with you soon. In the meantime, feel free to text us here. Otherwise, we’ll be in touch shortly.”
  3. “Hi [insert name], thanks for registering on our website. How can I help you with your search?
  4. “I look forward to meeting you tomorrow on our tour of the houses you have interest in viewing. The first address is 222 Main St, Anywhere, FL 12345. Let’s start there at 10 am and go there. Text me here if anything comes up.” 
  5. “Hey [insert name]! What is your availability this week? We could set up an appointment to browse a few homes. This way, you can get a better idea of what’s out there.”
  6. “How long have you been searching for a home? It can completely be a tedious process. Let me know the basics and I can send you what we have right now!”
  7. “Hey [insert name], I have a free webinar tonight on how to get the most for your house, register for a spot at
  8. “It’s a HOT, HOT, HOT summer market. What’s your home worth? Text back for home evaluation!”


When It Comes to M&A in the Title Industry, Does Your Strategy Add Up?

M&A in the Title IndustryOur friends at Housing Wire recently did our own Aaron Davis the honor of publishing his thoughts on M&A in the title industry. As you likely know, the market remains hot, both for agents seeking to retire or “cash out” after a long, successful run, as well as for agents that believe the slight decline in volume will make an opportune time to grow their own footprints via acquisition.

We urge you to check out the entire piece. However, among the highlights of Aaron’s recommendations for those considering buying or selling are the following.

  • Make a plan. Sounds basic enough, right? However, you’d be amazed at how many bright, knowledgeable agents, after years of solid decision-making, decide to “wing it” on their planning. The results, more often than not, include leaving money on the table, and sometimes, lots of it.
  • Know thyself (and your market). Another simple concept and also, another common mistake. It’s important for sellers especially to keep in mind that private equity will evaluate your agency very differently than, say, a national underwriter. Knowing what they value can make all the difference in your planning.
  • Finally, don’t go it alone. Even owners and agents with experience in M&A can stand to have a second set of eyes (and set of experiences) to help with planning, evaluation and due diligence. There are qualified consultants out there, including, quite naturally, Aaron and the team at AMD Enterprises’ Closing Suite!

To connect with Aaron Davis, visit

The Future is Here: Florida Property Undergoes Bid and Transfer Using NFT

Florida Property Undergoes Bid and Transfer Using NFT

News outlets are reporting that a home in Gulfport, Florida, was put up for auction for non-fungible token (NFT). The property was subsequently transferred for about 210 Ethereum, a type of cryptocurrency, which converted in cash to approximately $631,790.

Although the transfer was billed as the first property exchange using cryptocurrency, the truth is hundreds of properties have been transferred with cryptocurrency, although this is the first using NFT, where an actual “coin” or “token” of real estate was produced.

Like traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, NFT is a unit of data stored on a blockchain. However, unlike most cryptocurrencies that are equally interchangeable, each NFT represents an underlying asset. According to a Forbes Advisor article “an NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos.”  In fact, NFT gained popularity specifically in the world of art and music.

Real estate seems to fit the NFT exchange model in the same way, since the transfer is also of a “real-world object.”

According to news reports, this was the process:

  • Bidders on the property had to have cryptocurrency worth at least 650,000 in a “crypto wallet”
  • Ownership of the house was transferred to a limited liability company
  • Ownership of the LLC was automatically transferred to the auction winner
  • Payment was immediately transferred to the seller’s digital wallet

The process was managed by Propy, a Silicon Valley company, led by CEO Natalia Karayaneva. Propy was designed to automate the real estate sales process, allowing the transfer of property to take place entirely online. Our own Aaron Davis has worked with Propy in the past, even posting a blog about his experiences.

Though it all appeared instantaneous at the moment of the bid and the transfer, the usual activities took place prior to the auction process, including prospective buyers visiting the home and reviewing the relevant paperwork. And on the title side, Propy handled the required title work on the property prior to the auction.

Handling cryptocurrency funded real estate purchases is not for the faint of heart. There are many things to consider and processes to set up to manage the out-of-the ordinary steps in the transaction.

FAN/AMD CEO Aaron Davis took a deep dive on cryptocurrency closings in 2018 when the first transaction took place in the U.S., discussing title insurance underwriting requirements, creating a crypto escrow account, a Bitcoin to USD conversion account and obtained a certification for Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) in order to manage more sophisticated foreign and crypto transactions.

We’d suggest that title agents do their research now to understand what they need to put into place to facilitate these transactions for their customers. This won’t be the last cryptocurrency transaction in real estate—far from it. This is especially true in Florida, where real estate transactions with foreign investors take place every day of the week; the transactions most likely to employ cryptocurrency.

Want to brush up on blockchain and cryptocurrency? Check out Aaron’s PowerPoint Presentation (


Millennial Myth Vs. Fact: Episode 1

Millennial Myth Versus Fact (Episode I): Ignoring the Myths and Learning the Truth About Millennials Will Be Major Edge in Competitive Market.


Millennial Myth Vs. Fact: Episode 1

You’re probably as tired of hearing about the coming purchase market (or low inventory, rising rates and inflation, for that matter) as we are. We’ve been hearing and reading for six months (or more) that we’re entering a more competitive market, and have to find ways to compete. Ad nauseum. And clearly one way to do so is to streamline operations, improve efficiencies grow your margins.

But that won’t always make you more competitive on the sales and marketing side. Just more profitable with what you have.

Let’s take what we do know about this market, and build our marketing on that. For starters, we know is that the Millennial generation is still powering the purchase volume. And why not? The Baby Boomers are beginning to “gray” a bit. They’re downsizing in many cases. Gen X? Not nearly as large a market as either.

So yes, this will be a piece about marketing to Millennials. In fact, we’re going to do this again from time to time. But let’s stick to fact, rather than myth. If you want to attract the Millennial market, assuming they’re all lazy or oversensitive will be a great way to find yourself selling your business low…or worse.

We’ll now set aside all of the usual negative assumptions about the most powerful homebuying generation, and think about reality. And let’s put the disclaimer out there that, like every generation before them, the Millennials are not monolithic. We’re discussing what commonalities have been observed (via surveys, focus groups, etc.)

Myth:  Millennials only work from screens. They make purchase as they communicate: through a phone or tablet. As long as you’re high tech, you’ll win their business.

Fact:  Millennials actually want a human or humans—knowledgeable, well-trained humans with good communication skills—to help them make informed decisions when it comes to homebuying. Tech helps, but it’s the substance that makes the sale.

A great article in Forbes Magazine not long ago acknowledges a NAR survey that advised 81% of Millennials buying homes in 2019 found their homes via mobile app. Seems to support what we’re calling a myth, right? Not necessarily. Millennials don’t always care how they communicate with a human, as long as that human is responsive and can help them sift through their choices. In today’s world, homebuyers (and not just Millennials) aren’t in a rush to buy a home that’s not a great fit, then customize it themselves. They’re seeking homes that fit their lifestyles and needs, and not settling for less. Some of the most successful apps are taking that initial point of contact, asking a few detailed questions, then pairing the potential homebuyer with a real estate professional best suited to meet their needs. As the article’s author puts it, “Treating the real estate agent relationship like a successful Bumble connection will likely result in a more satisfying experience for the Millennial.”

So yes, Millennials may have a greater affinity for the speed and ease of technology than previous generations. But that doesn’t mean they’re seeking the first fully automated mortgage. Humans—well-prepared and trained humans—remain just as important to the process.

Apply this to your marketing and sales efforts as you will, but the title agent or REALTOR who best understands his or her market already has a major edge. We’ll be back from time to time to separate what we believe to be Millennial myth from fact. If you’ve got an observation or idea as well, contact us now.