Category: Marketing

Millennial Myth Vs. Fact: Episode 1

Millennial Myth Versus Fact (Episode I): Ignoring the Myths and Learning the Truth About Millennials Will Be Major Edge in Competitive Market.


Millennial Myth Vs. Fact: Episode 1

You’re probably as tired of hearing about the coming purchase market (or low inventory, rising rates and inflation, for that matter) as we are. We’ve been hearing and reading for six months (or more) that we’re entering a more competitive market, and have to find ways to compete. Ad nauseum. And clearly one way to do so is to streamline operations, improve efficiencies grow your margins.

But that won’t always make you more competitive on the sales and marketing side. Just more profitable with what you have.

Let’s take what we do know about this market, and build our marketing on that. For starters, we know is that the Millennial generation is still powering the purchase volume. And why not? The Baby Boomers are beginning to “gray” a bit. They’re downsizing in many cases. Gen X? Not nearly as large a market as either.

So yes, this will be a piece about marketing to Millennials. In fact, we’re going to do this again from time to time. But let’s stick to fact, rather than myth. If you want to attract the Millennial market, assuming they’re all lazy or oversensitive will be a great way to find yourself selling your business low…or worse.

We’ll now set aside all of the usual negative assumptions about the most powerful homebuying generation, and think about reality. And let’s put the disclaimer out there that, like every generation before them, the Millennials are not monolithic. We’re discussing what commonalities have been observed (via surveys, focus groups, etc.)

Myth:  Millennials only work from screens. They make purchase as they communicate: through a phone or tablet. As long as you’re high tech, you’ll win their business.

Fact:  Millennials actually want a human or humans—knowledgeable, well-trained humans with good communication skills—to help them make informed decisions when it comes to homebuying. Tech helps, but it’s the substance that makes the sale.

A great article in Forbes Magazine not long ago acknowledges a NAR survey that advised 81% of Millennials buying homes in 2019 found their homes via mobile app. Seems to support what we’re calling a myth, right? Not necessarily. Millennials don’t always care how they communicate with a human, as long as that human is responsive and can help them sift through their choices. In today’s world, homebuyers (and not just Millennials) aren’t in a rush to buy a home that’s not a great fit, then customize it themselves. They’re seeking homes that fit their lifestyles and needs, and not settling for less. Some of the most successful apps are taking that initial point of contact, asking a few detailed questions, then pairing the potential homebuyer with a real estate professional best suited to meet their needs. As the article’s author puts it, “Treating the real estate agent relationship like a successful Bumble connection will likely result in a more satisfying experience for the Millennial.”

So yes, Millennials may have a greater affinity for the speed and ease of technology than previous generations. But that doesn’t mean they’re seeking the first fully automated mortgage. Humans—well-prepared and trained humans—remain just as important to the process.

Apply this to your marketing and sales efforts as you will, but the title agent or REALTOR who best understands his or her market already has a major edge. We’ll be back from time to time to separate what we believe to be Millennial myth from fact. If you’ve got an observation or idea as well, contact us now.


Missing Out on the Latest Social Trends Costs You Money

How to Create Engaging Instagram Reels to Bring Attention to You & Your Brand

You’ve seen Instagram Reels and TikTok videos everywhere and might be thinking to yourself, “How do I even create one of these?” Don’t worry. Here is your step-by-step guide to creating your first Instagram Reel for your real estate business.

Step 1: Select the Audio

Click on the music note icon on the left-hand side to open Instagram’s audio selection. From there, you can search trending audios, audio categories, and your saved audios.

Step 2: Select the Length of Your Reel

Under the music note icon on the left, you’ll find the option to change the length of your reel. You can choose from 15, 30, or 60 seconds. All you have to do is click on it until you get your desired reel time.

Step 3: Choose an Effect

If you’d like to use any beauty, background, or lighting effects that you normally use in your stories, you can click the star icon on the left-hand side of your reel’s menu. Instagram will give you tons of options, including your already saved filters, as well as trending ones.

Step 4: Set the Timer

If you need a little time to get into a position to do a viral dance or create a reel that incorporates a few different video segments, you can use the Timer/countdown option.

Once you click the timer icon on the left-hand side of the menu, you’ll find 2 countdown options of 3 or 10 seconds and notice a sliding scale where you can change the amount of time you want to record.

If you want to record multiple videos for your reel, slide the color bar to whichever spot you want to end that video segment. Next, select “set time.” You can do this multiple times depending on the audio length and the length of the reel you selected. For example, if you selected 60 seconds, you could create six 10-second videos for that one reel.

Once you’ve set the timer, your Timer icon should show a white background on the main reel screen. Then, when you’re ready, hit the record button.


Congratulations on Creating Your Very First Reel!

Remember, the more you create in reels, the more comfortable you’ll get, and the more content you’ll create for your audience.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Introduce yourself and your team. This can be fun – and quick!
  2. Tell your story/history of you and your brand.
  3. Share clips of your day to create an “a day in the life” video.
  4. Share what’s going on behind the scenes! Showcase the buying or selling process or what happened during a recent closing.
  5. Show off your listings!! Create a walkthrough of the listing and unique features of the property. Show off a little!
  6. Create how-to videos or answer FAQs. Agents can answer 1 question on each reel to create a lot of useful content.
  7. List your services. Reels give you a quick way to talk about each of your services.
  8. Provide helpful tips for your audience. You can discuss what a buyer or seller needs to know before they start the home buying/selling process, etc.
  9. Interact with your clients. Use trending audio or dances to get your clients engaged.
  10. Use trending audio. Trending audio and sounds can bring personality to your business and be used to enhance all of the content you create from the above ideas.

Want more inspiration or additional how-tos for social media trends like this one? Let us know!