Category: Hillsborough Title

Hillsborough Title, Florida Agency Network strike deal for Bella Title

Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 2:13pm EST

Margie Manning | Tampa Bay Business Journal


Florida Agency Network has acquired Bella Title, a Land O’ Lakes-based real estate title company.


Financial terms were not disclosed. Mica Butterwood, owner and operator of Bella Title, will serve as Florida Agency Network’s relationship manager for northern Hillsborough County, a statement said.

Florida Agency Network is an umbrella organization of title companies that have been consolidated amid industry changes. Launched by Aaron Davis, president and CEO, and with its roots in Hillsborough Title in Plant City, Florida Agency Network has grown to be the largest title organization in Florida, Davis said.

“Just five years ago, we had one office and five employees,” Davis said. “Today we have 27 offices and more than 200 staffers.”

The Dodd-Frank financial reform measure is driving consolidation, Davis said. Title companies are now considered part of the financial services sector, and face increasing costs of regulatory compliance, including higher E&O [errors and omissions] insurance, banking-type audits and cybersecurity mandates.

“A lot of agencies are going out of business, selling or being rolled into a larger agency like mine,” Davis said.

In addition to Hillsborough Title and Bella Title, other agencies in the network are: Tampa Bay Title, Paramount Title, Homeplus Title, Cornerstone Title, Uptown Title, Trident Title, Progressive Title Solutions, Performance Title & Escrow and CU Title.


Original Article


Can You Have Too Much Curb Appeal?

We read an interesting article from NPR recently about one of the famous “Painted Ladies” selling at an astonishing 900K less than the asking price. They’re iconic of not only the city, but of the environment that we all feel San Fransisco has. There’s curb appeal built in—they’re the houses from Full House for goodness sake!

Painted Ladies San Francisco January 2013 panorama 2.jpg
Painted Ladies” by King of HeartsOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

But in reading the article, we suddenly got another picture: that of any homeowner living in homes that are iconic enough to be recognized nationwide—dealing with the tourism and the hassles that come with a home that’s also an attraction. Some people like the attention but even celebrities don’t like the papparazi and other privacy invaders. Imagine buying one of these gorgeous homes and having pictures taken of you when you’re unsuspecting! That’s enough to turn off most homebuyers—and seemingly enough, it affected the sale of the Painted Lady in San Fransisco.

The Curb Appeal of San Fransisco

But, does this translate over to a home that’s not famous? Probably not. If the home’s not an icon of your neighborhood or city, then as much curb appeal as you can muster is usually a good thing. Let’s use the Painted Ladies of San Fransisco as an example of what curb appeal is. Overly famous or not, they are very pretty homes.

Firstly, the home is painted well. The name “Painted Lady” itself comes from the paint job, three colors used to bring out the architectural nuances of the home and to make the home stand out and have character. Curb appeal is all about the visuals and the Painted Ladies definitely have the visual elements going on for it.

There’s no yard to speak of at these homes, either, but the front of them are kept well and offer simplicity as their main attraction. Simple stoops, well-groomed trees, a clean exterior. Simplicity is the key here. Nothing is overwrought, but it’s all well thought out.

That’s key: every homeowner wants a nice looking home, but most of us work and complex looks or elaborate landscapes to keep up might not be to our taste. A simple cleaning and a new coat of paint every so often? Most can manage. Keep your homes simple.

map of San Fransisco

Finally, the homes are generally accessible. They’re by a park on a main street. The location is very good. They’re right off the 101 and I-80 in San Fran, meaning that to get anywhere, it’s a simple commute. The university is just down the street. Between location and looks, the houses (if they weren’t famous) would net almost any asking price the owner wanted. (After all, while this Painted Lady sold for far below asking price, the owner still got $3.1 million for it. That’s nothing to sneeze at!)

Should You Worry About Too Much Curb Appeal?

The simple answer: no. Too much curb appeal generally isn’t possible. Keep up on the modern trends of exterior design, keep the place clean, well painted, and if you can, play up the conveniences of living there. That will help your home sell.

It’ll also help if you don’t let a show film at your home. That’ll keep the papparazi down. Otherwise, make your house look as good as you know that it is!

Hillsborough Title/Tampa Bay Title Supports Pink

Hillsborough Title/Tampa Bay Title recognizes October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life; for us at HT/TBT, this statistic sits way too close to home. Among us, we have 2 breast cancer survivors (1 being a two-time survivor). We recently surprised our employees with these pink shirts. They represent all that is important in life- our core company values:

1.            Faith

2.            Family

3.            Friends

4.            TITles

This Saturday (Oct. 20) marks the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Hillsborough Title/Tampa Bay Title will be there walking alongside our Tampa Ta-Ta’s team leader, Marie Combs. There’s still time to register to walk, or to donate to the cause. All funds raised up to the limit of $2,500.00 will be matched by HT/TBT. Because at Hillsborough Title/Tampa Bay Title, “We do good deeds”.

Click here to register or to donate

Hillsborough Title President Aaron Davis featured in Fox News story on National Flood

Zone VP, Aaron Davis on Fox News Tampa Bay

Today, Aaron Davis, FLTA’s Zone 4 Vice President was featured on Fox News Tampa Bay discussing the May 31 expiration of the National Flood Insurance Program and FLTA and ALTA’s efforts to have the program extended. 
Here’s a link to the Story
As some of you are aware, both FLTA and ALTA have been monitoring this issue closely.   The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has lapsed eleven times since Sept. 30, 2008.  (12 counting this week)   Each lapse has delayed thousands of closings and caused considerable uncertainty for buyers, sellers and lenders. These disruptions cost title and escrow businesses’, lenders’, and consumers’ time, money and unnecessary worry.
What is less widely known, is that earlier this month, FLTA sent a delegation of 10 of our members to Washington DC to join the ALTA team in visiting legislators to express our concern that the NFIP might lapse again.  
We expect another short-term extension of the program.  Months ago, the House of Representatives passed a five year extension of the NFIP by a bi-partisan majority; the Senate declined to vote on the long term extension.  Two weeks ago, seeing no action on the Senate side and knowing the deadline was fast approaching, the House approved a 30 day extension of the program.   Last week, the Senate approved a 60 day extension.   
We are in a position where the bills from both sides must be reconciled, voted on and sent to the President for signature.   We are cautiously optimistic that this will be completed before May 31 so that there is not another lapse in the program.
Our thanks to Aaron for carrying this important message (albeit in a highly edited form) to the public.  
FLTA blog post by Alan Fields