Category: Videos

Now, More Than Ever, It’s About Giving Back

Giving back to our community has always been part of the FAN mission. In recent years, the community need has only increased. FAN believes we all should pitch in whenever we can—successful businesses have an obligation to keep their communities strong.  It’s also why we wholeheartedly support the ALTA Good Deeds program.

One of our many favorite ways to contribute to our Florida communities is through Habitat for Humanity. Recently, a number of FAN employees turned out, as we do regularly, to volunteer for another Habitat for Humanity project.

We made a short video to show you that it’s not only important to give back regularly, but, it’s fun, too!


Tips for Closing on Your Home During a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Did you know, as a named tropical storm or hurricane approaches, most insurance companies will suspend writing homeowner policies until the storm has passed? And often, the suspension will last a few days after the tropical storm or hurricane hits.

Even if the tropical storm or hurricane isn’t moving directly to the area of your new home, insurers usually suspend issuing homeowner’s policies for that area. Since there are no regulations governing suspension timeframes, your insurer can choose to hold off on issuing a policy right in the middle of the closing process. This means you won’t be able to show proof of insurance to your lender, and your closing gets delayed.

Here are a few tips to help save your closing during hurricane season:

  • Consider binding your homeowners insurance prior to your closing date.
  • Thoroughly review your coverage and have a good understanding of what is and ISN’T covered. This brings us to the next point.
  • Be sure you’ve purchased flood insurance to go along with your homeowner’s insurance. If you need or plan to purchase flood insurance, be sure to do so at your closing. You’ll find yourself in a 30-day waiting period if you don’t.
  • Be sure to check for coverage of any screened enclosures ahead of time.
  • Review your deductibles and make sure you are prepared for the out-of-pocket expense if a claim should occur.

The closing process can be stressful on its own, let alone adding the uncertainty of a tropical storm or hurricane. Don’t be afraid to discuss your closing options with your closing agent. We will work with you and have options to help close on your home, even if you have to evacuate.

Start Your Text Message Automation with These Text Scripts


Utilizing text messaging in your real estate business can help you attract new customers and maintain a happy customer base. Here are tools to take your text messages from a form of communication to a marketing tool.

Texting Automation to Utilize in Your Business

Text messages have a 98% open rate, making them a better option for communicating simple & direct messages to your customers. With automation, you have a “set it and forget it” system to assist your sales process.

Here are some text message automation ideas to get started.

  1. Sending Custom, Personal Messages

Contacting past and potential clients is crucial in real estate. With text message automation, you can set up flows and triggers to send personal messages such as birthday wishes, congratulations on closing, or a follow-up after your client’s closing date.

  1. Contacting Potential Leads 

When potential clients visit your website, set up a text message automation to get a conversation started. If leads are filling out website forms, you can automate a welcome text or a message asking for more details.

  1. Appointment, Class, Open House, & Important Date Reminders

Want to make sure your buyers are filing for homestead on time? Want to let your buyers know there’s an open house happening tomorrow? Set up automation to send out valuable information based on times and dates.

  1. Gathering Online Reviews

Setting up text message automation can help grow your online reputation without much leg work on your end. Set a trigger to send a link to review your services a few days after a client’s closing.

Tools for Starting Your Texting Automation 

Here are five text message automation software to get started.

  1. EZTexting
  2. SimpleTexting
  3. SlickText
  4. Textedly
  5. Twilio

Scripts to Use in Your Real Estate Text Marketing 

Here are some texting scripts examples for real estate agents:

  1. “I have 8 amazing listings that won’t break the bank! They range from $_____-$______. We can get you in to see them immediately. Would you like more details on any of these homes?”
  2. “[Insert name] thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to connecting with you soon. In the meantime, feel free to text us here. Otherwise, we’ll be in touch shortly.”
  3. “Hi [insert name], thanks for registering on our website. How can I help you with your search?
  4. “I look forward to meeting you tomorrow on our tour of the houses you have interest in viewing. The first address is 222 Main St, Anywhere, FL 12345. Let’s start there at 10 am and go there. Text me here if anything comes up.” 
  5. “Hey [insert name]! What is your availability this week? We could set up an appointment to browse a few homes. This way, you can get a better idea of what’s out there.”
  6. “How long have you been searching for a home? It can completely be a tedious process. Let me know the basics and I can send you what we have right now!”
  7. “Hey [insert name], I have a free webinar tonight on how to get the most for your house, register for a spot at
  8. “It’s a HOT, HOT, HOT summer market. What’s your home worth? Text back for home evaluation!”