Aaron Davis

Mission Accomplished!

Aaron Davis


There aren’t a lot of business execs, owners or decision-makers out there who haven’t heard of the prestigious Harvard Business School’s Owner/President Management (OPM) Program. And there aren’t a lot of people…um….anywhere, who aren’t aware that Harvard Business School is one of the very best in the world. So we’d like to take a moment to congratulate our own Aaron Davis, who recently completed the 3-year OPM program, becoming an alumnus.



Harvard Business SchoolAaron tells us that this was no ceremonial event—the students worked hard!  The class was comprised initially of 180 CEOs from around the world, representing 42 different countries and spanning every industry from real estate to manufacturing to software and more. Once a year, Aaron and the students were required to leave their businesses and families for a month of on-site education. All told, they spent 300 hours in the classroom, 75 hours in small group discussions and more than 500 hours doing class prep. Aaron and the class analyzed over 120 case studies on topics like strategy, finance, leadership, innovation, control, marketing, sales, negotiation, operations and technology.


Harvard Business School

As you likely already know, Aaron is the visionary behind the FAN, PDS, NTS and AMD brands, driving a single office title agency to become one of the largest national title and real estate businesses in the country. (And, if you know Aaron, you know he would immediately interrupt us to give credit to the hundreds of hard-working folks who helped him with making that vision a reality!). So it was a natural progression for him to immerse himself (when not running his business, of course) in an intensive program designed for CEO’s actively involved in day-to-day operations, with a focus on leadership, assessing strengths and weaknesses, and identifying emerging opportunities.


Like pretty much everything else Aaron sets his mind to, mission accomplished! He can now add one more accomplishment to his list. And we at AMD, FAN and all of the AMD brands congratulate him for this noteworthy achievement.

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