Tilt up of roup of business people applauding to a successful speaker

On the Road Again (FINALLY)!

Tilt up of roup of business people applauding to a successful speaker

Conference season is one of our favorite times of year. Even the virtual conferences of 2020, although they didn’t have nearly the same appeal, were worth attending. But as we see society re-open for business slowly but surely, there’s no doubt we’re ready to hit the road.

You’ve heard it a thousand times before, but it’s really true. Ours is a relationship-based industry. We build our businesses on relationships and referrals. And those start at the face-to-face level. One meeting at a time. One conference at a time. One client at a time. Where better to meet new people and catch up with old friends than an annual convention?

There’s a lot to discuss on stage and in the breakout rooms, as well. A lot’s happened in the industry (not to mention the pandemic…) since fall of 2019. Heck. A lot’s happened since May, 2021. So it will be good to hear from the experts as well as hash it out over cocktails or coffee in the exhibit hall or hallways. You can’t always get the full measure of that in a chat room or a Zoom breakout. Again, we give a lot of credit to the organizations that carried on during the great lockdown. But we’re willing to bet they’re as happy as we are to get back to in-person events. After all, a Zoom happy hour has a lot more in common with drunk dialing than social networking, don’t you think?

This year, we’ve got our tickets in hand for the following events:

  • We’re heading to New Orleans for ALTA ONE (October 12 – 15).
  • And don’t forget NS3 in Florida (August 31 – September 2).

There will likely be more travel ahead for us, but this should be a fine start. We hope to see you at one (or both) of these great events!

Thank you for your upload