Tag Archives: DIRT on TRID

What is TRID?

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The TILA-RESPA rule (TRID)– is meant to make the disclosure documents used during a transaction more consumer friendly and to move the industry towards a paperless transaction. The rule combines the current four disclosures. Check out the CFPB’s break down below:


Don’t recognize the new Jargon? Here is a handy chart to help with the transition: 

 New Jargon

To find more specifics visit:



Stick Around For Our Countdown!

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The industry’s much anticipated delay to implement the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) was announced last week. The new regulation had the initial launch date set to be August 1, 2015 but has now been pushed back later this year to October 1.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Director, Richard Cordray stated, “We made this decision to correct an administrative error that we just discovered in meeting the requirements under federal law, which would have delayed the effective date of the rule by two weeks.” Whatever the reason the industry as a whole seems to have let out a huge sigh of relief.

These new documents are meant to be more consumer friendly by consolidating the TILA-RESPA forms and making them easier to understand. The new regulations give the consumer more time to review the total costs of their mortgage and to ask any questions they may have in regards to their loan terms. The Loan Estimate is due to consumers three days after they apply for a loan, and the Closing Disclosure is due three days before closing. These two requirements along with software compliance and security issues have thrown the industry into a frenzy as they try to comply by the deadline.

The best thing you can do to prepare yourself is to join the conversation. In an ever changing industry it is important to partner up with a title agency that has aligned and complied with the new regulations. Agencies powered by the Florida Agency Network (FAN) are prepped and ready to lead the way during this immense industry change. Tuesday, June 23, 2015 will mark the 100 day countdown until the CFPB’s implementation of the TRID.

 It’s going down  —  10.01.15  —  Stick around for our countdown!  

Please Note: Since posting the CFPB has submitted an amendment to their proposal further delaying the effective date to October 3.

It’s Goin’ Down!

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Due to lack of preparedness in the industry, CFPB has delayed implementation of the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID).

It’s important to partner up with a title agency that is ready for the up coming industry changes. Title agencies powered by the Florida Agency Network are compliant, trained and ready to take on these industry changes.

It’s going down on Oct. 1, stick around for our countdown!

Find out more about partnering up with a title agency powered by the the network : Max Jackson at max@FLagency.net

Please Note: Since posting, the CFPB has submitted an amendment to their proposal further delaying the effective date to October 3.